2016NHL Play Offs “The Lord Stanley Cup” 决赛经过6场艰苦卓绝的争夺,昨晚终于在圣荷西鲨鱼主场以企鹅队夺冠而落下帷幕
尽管整个系列比赛企鹅决大部分时间都占优势,鲨鱼队的守门员是他们队最大的功臣,把比赛搞到Game 6. Party ruiner, 破了企鹅球迷希望Game5在主场捧杯的强烈愿望.
Game wining Goal, 队长Crosby和明星后卫Letang的配合奠定了胜利的基础,进球后两人庆祝.

in Game Six of the 2016 NHL Stanley Cup Final at SAP Center on June 12, 2016 in San Jose, California.
Goalie Murry & Crosby
Crosby 第一次赢得Play Offs赛后季最有价值球员,这不是一个容易的决定。从进球数来说, Phil Kessel, Kris Letang都很好,还有小将守门员都表现和贡献都非常突出。但是他们选择把这个奖给他,我一点意见都没有. 得到这个奖,他说这个不重要,最重要的是斯坦利杯,他们作为一个团队赢得的才是最重要的
(Crosby’s Conn Smythe victory isn’t without a little controversy though as there are several members of the Penguins team who were deserving of the honor. Phil Kessel, who led the Penguins in playoff scoring was a natural fit, as was rookie goalie Matt Murray, who, especially in the early rounds of the playoffs, put in a series of stellar performances with Marc-Andre Fleury out with a concussion.
Crosby though did a lot of little things right, from blocking shots to winning face-offs, for the Penguins. He may not have made the big goals people wanted to see from him, but Crosby is consummate leader and his play has been exceptional.
“He wears the ‘C’ for a reason,” Penguins rookie Conor Sheary told reporters. “He’s our leader. If he’s not scoring goals or putting up points, he’s our guy in the locker room.”)
七年前,年纪青青夺冠以为这个杯手到擒来, 以为是一个Crosby朝代的开始,不曾想,中间经历严重受伤脑震荡,别的伤害,信任危机,象在旷野里迷失的摩西。经历可能中断冰球职业生涯,球迷要求他转会,等等林林种种。今天再捧杯,多么开心!
队长举杯以后把奖杯第一个递给的队员Pascal Dupuis,他自己因伤后面几场没打。他妈妈癌症晚期住在医院里生命垂危,最大的愿望是看见儿子举起斯坦利杯。The 37-year-old locker room staple who was forced to retire from the NHL in December because of a chronic bout with blood clots, was waiting with open arms. He, too, was in skates and a jersey, kissed the Cup and skated on to an applause from teammates.
“It was pretty special,” Daley said of Crosby. “He’s a great player, but he’s an even better person. There’s not much more you can say about that guy. He’s a special guy.”
球队老板,他是唯一一个既是球队老板,还同时打过NHL的人物Mario Lemieux
教练Mike Sullivan,6个月前临危受命,从AHL上来,把一个能不能进入赛后季都是问题的球队带入到这个阶段,他是今年当之无愧的年度教练奖最佳候选人.
整个团队大合影,每一个人都开心到暴,留下历史性的一刻. 这不是一个人的成就,这是整个团队的胜利,没一个人,都付出辛勤的汗和泪,此刻的欢笑,不是偶然得来
企鹅的四次NHL Play Offs Stanley Cup冠军
他们自己在Locker Room里的庆祝
回到locker Room,看看他们用斯坦利杯喝香滨的传统
Penguins captain Sidney Crosby wins his first Conn Smythe Trophy
Source: http://en.francais-express.com/news/sport/-16022-phil-kessel-is-so-happy-he-won-the-stanley-cup-and-you-should-be-too/
Source: http://en.francais-express.com/news/sport/-15742-crosbys-best-pass-trevor-daley-pascal-dupuis-share-uplifting-moments-with-stanley-cup/
Source: http://en.francais-express.com/news/sport/-15742-crosbys-best-pass-trevor-daley-pascal-dupuis-share-uplifting-moments-with-stanley-cup/