第一集 万里长城: 蒙古入侵 ◎片 名 N.G.Great.Wall.of.China ◎译 名 国家地理.万里长城 ◎影片类型 建造中国最大的防御建筑的人们的故事 ◎片 长 47 Mins/集 ◎国 家 美国 ◎对白语言 英语 ◎字 幕 简/繁 ◎编 码 x264 + AAC ◎视频码率 850 kbps ◎音频码率 100 kbps ◎视频尺寸 800 x 448 ◎文件大小 320 MB/集 MD5:0C30618EA4BF19049DE6A9BFC8E4FD26 CRC:A9E10BC4 第二集 万里长城: 神龙盘踞 MD5:6F7598AE42E603FAE7B0BD4A2080C73D CRC:3A404A5D ◎简 介 China\'s Great Wall is a two-part special that brings to life tales of those who lived and died building China\'s greatest defensive structure. Using state-of-the-art CGI animation, this special explores the original construction techniques, and features interviews from archaeologists and scientists on the latest findings about the monumental structure 国家地理频道最新特别纪录片《万里长城》是一部两集的纪录片,讲述了那些建造中国最大的防御建筑的人们的故事。本片使用了艺术级的电脑CGI特效,采访了考古学家和科学家以及关于这个不朽奇迹最近的一些发现,探索了长城当初的建造技术。 Part 1: Mongol Invaders In March, 1907, Aurel Stein, a British explorer and adventurer, and his caravan make their way through the Taklimakan desert. Giant ruins grab their attention: it is the Jade Gate, the westernmost point of a more than two-thousand-year-old fortification system. The walls, once built with clay and straw, are barely identifiable in some parts, but the fortification must have had great significance in the past. Travel back in time to around 130 BC. For centuries, belligerent nomads from the north have been raiding, looting and pillaging Chinese settlements. The contrast could not be more pronounced: wild horsemen roaming the desert on the one side, on the other a population of settled farmers. Following a campaign against the barbarians, Emperor Wudi of the Han dynasty decides to build a wall against the enemies. Construction starts near the location where Aurel Stein would find the ruins of the Jade Gate two thousand years later. Thousands of forced labour convicts were sent to the northwestern part of China, and thousands paid with their lives. Although the wall of the Han Dynasty crumbled into dust, subsequent dynasties built their own walls up to form the stone wall that became a monumental structure and a global icon. 第一集 万里长城: 蒙古入侵 十六世纪的蒙古游牧民族为了生存,必须与中国有贸易往来,然而中国却出价要取俺答汗的首级。后来俺答汗攻入北京,要求两国贸易往来,中国当时虽然答应,后来却又反悔,并且兴建了世上最壮观的「石龙」长城。明朝的长城绵延六千公里,几乎耗费一百年才完成。1644年,民间**,城外又有外敌入侵,当时的将军为了不让一介莽夫龙袍加身,便大开城门,迎接入侵的满族,导致中国改朝换代。 Part 2: Protecting the Dragon In September, 1792, King George III dispatches the first British trade mission to China. Under the leadership of Lord George Macartney, the delegation intends to persuade Emperor Qian-long to open his country for trade with the West. After months of Qian-long\'s stalling tactics, the Brits take a three day journey out from Beijing, to be greeted with a view few Europeans had seen before: the Great Wall winding its way across mountains, valleys and verdant plains. Macartney believed this was the most stupendous work of human hands, and this perception of the Great Wall would endure to this day. But China was surrounded by not one, but two walls: a physical and a mental one. Since the Ming Dynasty (AD 1368-1644), China had tried to shut itself off from the outside world. Mongol and later Manchu invaders found gaps in the northern frontiers. One of the most tenacious opponents, Altan Khan (16th century), even dared lay siege to Beijing. As a result, the walls were fortified even further, fortresses and garrisons were built. Finally, the wall reached the sea, enclosing China and shutting out anything foreign for centuries to come. Eventually, this attitude was the Ming Dynasty\'s undoing. In 1644, a rebel Manchu took the Dragon Throne. Macartney\'s mission (in the late 18th century) was a colossal failure, but his assessment of the Great Wall remained deeply engrained in the minds of Westerners, a myth that shrouds the true story of the wall even today. 第二集 万里长城: 神龙盘踞 因为匈奴不断骚扰相当於中国现在蒙古的地区,汉武帝在西元前133年发动攻击,攻下河西走廊与丝路。为了保护新拓疆土,汉武帝决定兴建长城,派两百万百姓到边疆开始动工。考古学家发现的木简上记载相关的朝廷命令、书信与指示,有些甚至可追溯到西元前一世纪。兴建长城的工人不但要担心匈奴掠劫,还要面对可怕的天候、贫乏的食物,因此越来越多村民投奔匈奴。汉武帝的军队在西元前99年节节败退,汉朝的长城就此崩坏,如今似乎与天然景色融为一体。