今天是4月15号,又到了一年一度的完税日。大伙儿报税辛苦了,Starbucks送免费咖啡,Dunkin Donut提供免费炸面圈,Taco Bell送免费墨西哥煎玉米卷,Cinnabon给每位2个杯形糕饼,还是不要钱......真是太好了,吃完这些,估摸着怎么也够饱的,今天就不用花时间做饭了,呵呵。

Stressed out from taxes? Babeland can help! If you shop at the store now through the 18th, they'll give you a free Gold or Silver bullet vibrator with any purchase over $75. AND you can get 15% off any Babeland purchase today by using the promo code "taxday."

点击比较一下,这个是去年的礼物:完税日, Babeland给纳税人送性玩具
我给同学们送首歌吧: mariah carey的my all