我是被作为地方性elite参加这次比赛,参加和享受了与美国国家级以及世界级马拉松elite运动员在一起的活动,以及与他们站在同一个区等待起跑的优势。然而,在起跑前5分钟,我还是向负责elite运动员的人要求到普通参赛者A区等待起跑,因为我必须跟着pacer跑,否则,我懵懵懂懂不能掌控我的pace。到了A区才发现pace之间间隔30秒,只有7:30和8:00,我计划的7:37是前不着村、后不着店。难过之余,我决定尽量多看自己的GPS表,按7:37的pace跑。悲剧的是不知道为什么,我的GPS表怎么也不工作,前一天晚上检查还好好的。这下我心中慌乱了,没有合适的pacer,又没有GPS表,我怎么跑呢?先是着急的眼睛都湿润了,过了一会儿,我一面跑,一面做了一个深呼吸,心中默默祈祷:忘记打破1:40:00,run with my heart,just enjoy it。就这样用1:36:48,pace 7:23,比我去年4月份跑5公里还快的速度跑完了21.1公里,不仅打破1:40:00,还在无意中得了年龄组的第一(同年龄组参赛的女性共有480人)。昨天如果GPS手表工作正常,我是无论如何不敢也不会以那样的速度跑。
其实,不管成绩如何,我都会为还能跑带着一颗感恩的心。我喜欢加拿大奥林匹克运动员Silken Laumann说过的这段话:"It's important to know that at the end of the day it's not the medals you remember. What you remember is the process - what you learn about yourself by challenging yourself, the experiences you share with other people, the honesty the training demands. Those are things nobody can take away from you whether you finish twelfth or you're an Olympic Champion" 在此,再次感谢为我祈祷,支持、鼓励和帮助我长跑的亲人和朋友们!!
朋友,谢谢你的美言和鼓励,使我感动。“Think life is marathon, keep a good pace is the key ! ”,说得真好,我记住了,但愿也能运用在实际生活中。
安娜晴天 发表评论于
真棒, 为你,也为你们骄傲! 尤其最后那张照片意味深长。
Passion, Success, Inspiration and more of each.
My most inspired marathon runner two years ago was a 100 year old Indian original who finished his marathon in 9 hours in Toronto. He started his running at age 79. For 2014 at age of 50, you are my inspiration. Think life is marathon, keep a good pace is the key !
广陵晓阳 发表评论于
回复 'distanceswimmer' 的评论 :
distanceswimmer 发表评论于
Congratulations! Thanks for the post. It's really great.
广陵晓阳 发表评论于
回复 'Live2Fish' 的评论 :
Live2Fish 发表评论于
So proud of you! I hope I will do my 5k ConocoPhillips run better this year! You are amazing!
广陵晓阳 发表评论于
回复 'plum59' 的评论 :
谢谢校友兄,见到你真高兴!谢谢你的鼓励。我一直还记得你给的“start slow, run even”的指导呢,并且努力在比赛中能执行。是啊,手表可能是“老”了,也许要换新了。
太太 棒!祝贺!!! my husband run last year seattle 马拉松, 45+ 3 小时 23 分。 qualified 波士顿 马拉松 . I wish to be your friend. I add your article into my book mark collection.
Greyleggoose 发表评论于
Very inspirational! Congrats !!! I haven't logged in on this site for years but I wanted you to know you are truly inspirational and awesome!!! I have started cycling since last year and feel great :-)