既然两个人谁都不会好到哪里去,是不是选谁都一样或者干脆弃权?非也!要比比worst case scenario: 如果Hillary当选,可能会维持现状,民主党那一套,穷人养得更懒… ;可是如果Trump当选,我们最终可能丢掉民权,女权,… 要知道Trump的铁杆粉丝是红脖子白人男性redneck white males,这些人极端保守,崇尚白人至上,好些是kkk成员。是的,Trump可能开始会给你减点税,让你多分一口(原本民主党给非裔西裔的)蛋糕,可是慢慢地你可能会失掉分蛋糕的权利,只因为你的肤色,种族、性别、或者政治信仰。不要以为今天你聪明过人了,混上中产阶级,挤上了红脖子白人公交车就跟着一起哄叫快关门,正是这些你支持过的白人可以叫你让座或者干脆把你踢下车去!你我可能在今后三五年里得到略有改善的民生,但我们的后代可能在今后三五十年经历恶化的民主和民权!不要在口口声声说不忘初心的同时又时时刻刻算计着钱袋子!不但要用你精明的头脑去投票,更要用你的良心和灵魂。
who is this wethepeople person? He/she behave like a philibuster. It does not mean you are correct if you talk more.????
WeThePeople 发表评论于
By now the election should be over as everyone should have made their mind.
Thank you all for stopping by. I started my very 1st blog since my comments on other people's blogs were mostly deleted - that tells who has more supporters on WXC :) But I swear I did not delete a single comment here! And I do appreciate both sides of opinions and most importantly the participation of fellow Chinese in this election which we may remember for life. We shall honor whatever the outcome this may bring!
Btw I can't (or very slow ^^) type in Chinese on PC. And the iPhone App does not seem to allow me to respond. So I responded in English on PC even though Chinese would still be more precise as our native language :)
May Gob Bless all!
WeThePeople 发表评论于
回复 '大号蚂蚁' 的评论 : Unfortunately it is a difficult choice between revolution and reform. China has gone through revolutions for thousands of 'glorious' years vs. Western civilization went through party rotation since French Revolution(?). It is irresponsible to smash the current system without a decent replacement. That is what US did in mid-eastern countries in recent years by overthrowing governments they don't like but who to suffer?
大号蚂蚁 发表评论于
WeThePeople 发表评论于
回复 '沈成涵' 的评论 : I fully understand the anti-establishment sentiment as I share that view often too. But what to replace? Who will become the most miserable victims in a chaotic society with no government/everyone wave fists/guns? it will be us, the minorities in US. So I am selfish in that sense. Make no mistake - capitalism does recognize/allow selfishness (vs. communism). But that is individual's right. No governments would/should promote the selfishness. Any governments would have to play some leveling playground role to govern. As I mentioned earlier, we would have to go to a Safari to enjoy absolute individualism/selfishness :)
WeThePeople 发表评论于
回复 'jndydkt' 的评论 : I am sorry you are upsetting. The only regret is that I should not have quoted on Trump's gross words on treating women. I saw just the opposite that Trump followers threw trash talks/threatening remarks as one of the reviewers early had to praise the courage for posting my views here :) I am no fan of HC. To me, HC is a bad choice but Trump is a dangerous choice for non-whites. It's philosophical difference (that I see) than tactical/policy difference (that you try to seek).
WeThePeople 发表评论于
回复 'Berrylover' 的评论 : Any civilized society has some kind of level-playground policies unless we move to a Safari :) It is an integral part of civilization to differentiate human from animals. Do you really want to go back to the old American society of segregation? That's what white supremacists want. Back in days, did we all have have the same chance to go into Peking U/Tshinghua U than people in Beijing and currently? By the way, the gold will shine no matter where it is placed.
WeThePeople 发表评论于
回复 'nasastar' 的评论 : Unfortunately they are all we have on the ballot :)
回复 'villa1912' 的评论 : have you seen the video Trump talking about groping women/grabbing women on their genitals and kissing (against their will)? Is that decent? Would you send your daughter or sister to work for Trump by his side? I do sympathize those redneck whites who lost jobs/their dignity in global economy. Government should help/they should catch up. And I understand they put blames on government and new immigrants, part of rural redneck american's tradition. But we can't handle the power to those.
WeThePeople 发表评论于
回复 'lanlandehu' 的评论 : seems you are suffering typical Chinese 'conspiracy' syndome :) Even IF Hillary had committed a crime on email server, was it a premeditated crime on purpose or was it merely careless mistake? Don't just use mouth to gossip, use brain to think :)
韩国的总统朴槿惠闺蜜事件引发韩国人民要求朴槿惠下台。韩国的检察院已经逮捕了朴槿惠闺蜜崔顺实。向韩国的检察官致敬。希拉里在FBI发传票后果然删除3万多份邮件,砸毁所有的电子设备。希拉里的行为已经是违法。可是她大摇大摆地还在一个号称世界最民主自由,司法最公正的灯塔国竞选总统,这是多大的讽刺。美国的司法机关已经沦为黑金政治的工具。America is sick !
WeThePeople 发表评论于
回复 'villa1912' 的评论 : Don't forget about the Congress! It would not confirm any extremely out of touch liberal nominees. We also don't want to see diehard conservative judges as well. Clinton may continue on some bad policies of Democrats vs. Trump/redneck whites may revert the entire modern-day civiliazation - civil liberty/civil rights(Minority rights), women's right.
villa1912 发表评论于
OMG! On the contrary. 如果亲民主党的大法官被选上,那才是几十年的影响。
WeThePeople 发表评论于
回复 'vesper' 的评论 : Democracy/civil liberty IS NOT All as you wish. The ordeal we are in is exactly part of democracy/civil liberty. Under dictatorship/authoritarian as Trump admired of Putin/Hitler, certain ethnic groups such as Chinese Americans might have been completely prohibited from participating as century ago!
回复 'Staytrues' 的评论 : Exactly. I hoped Trump played the craziness to win the primary in the party and would show decent human decency/somewhat presidential in the general election. But turned out he is the same exact mad man - a postal child for redneck white males.