夏日鳞波游船轻,冬时浮雪遮冰莹。 拂去白雪露冰花,漫步湖面似闲庭。
昨夜暖风沐班芙,今晨众人冰湖涌。 林海雪原拥湖抱,湖心熙攘看溜冰。
庚子辛丑多磨难,一年四季有寒冬。 赏景何须待春时,天然惊艳为冰凌。
壬寅大吉迎虎来,春夏甘润秋果丰。 冰湖碧透泡花悬,春来冰去一场空。
Note: We visited the Minnewaska Lake in Banff (Alberta Canada) on Sunday when the warm Chinook broke the winter spell for a day. Bulbs got trapped and frozen that appeared to be amazing white flowers. Hockey lovers played their games in the middle of vast lake while many stroked on the frozen lake.